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As an avid reader and serial goodreads reviewer, I thought it was about time to take my passion to the next step. As an English major, I read a lot of books both for class and for fun, and so it is through this blog that I hope to share my thoughts about the books I read—the good, the bad, and everything in between.

I intend for this blog to be a way for me to interact and think more deeply with literature, to do this I will strive to be honest and respectful in any reviews or critiques I may have. I firmly believe there is a book for everyone—just because a book may not be for me, does not lessen its value or mean I think less of a particular author.

With that being said, I also want this blog to be a place where people feel free to speak their minds if they so feel inclined. So if you disagree with me, go off in the comments! Just please be respectful as you do so and acknowledge the fact that everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Also, if you have any book recommendations let me know! I am always looking for suggestions.

Thanks for reading.

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